Posters, Publications & Praat Scripts


Podlubny, R.G., (2019). “Acoustic Convergence: Exploring the Influence of Ambient Noise on Speech Production“. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Canterbury)


Hurring, G., Hay, J., Drager, K., Podlubny, R., Manhire, L., & Ellis, A. (2022). “Social Priming in Speech Perception: Revisiting Kangaroo/Kiwi Priming in New Zealand English.Brain Sciences12(6), 684.

Nenadić, F., Kelley, M., Podlubny, R., Tucker, B. V. (Accepted). Speech perception and the role of semantic richness in processing. In Proceedings of Acoustics Week in Canada 2019.

Podlubny, R.G., Nearey, T.M., Kondrak, G., & Tucker, B.V. (2018). “Assessing the importance of several acoustic properties to the perception of spontaneous speech”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143, 2255-2268.

Hay, J., Podlubny, R., Drager, K., & McAuliffe, M. (2017). “Car-talk: Location-specific speech production and perception“. Journal of Phonetics, 65, 94-109.

Podlubny, R.G., (2016). “Musical mind control: Human speech takes on characteristics of background music”. Popular version of paper 1aNS4, “Musical mind control: Acoustic convergence to background music in speech production.” Presented Monday morning, November 28, 2016 at the 172nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu.

Podlubny, R.G., Geeraert, K., Tucker, B.V. (2015). “It’s all about, like, acoustics”. In the 18th Proc. of the ICPhS, University of Glasgow.


“Car-talk: How physical environment influences speech production and perception”. Presented at the 15th annual meeting of Laboratory Phonology, 2016. (Ithaca, NY)

“Musical mind control: The effects of speech environment on language use”. Presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of New Zealand, 2015. (Dunedin, NZ)

“It’s all about, like, acoustics: Comparing like to like.” Presented at the 9th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, 2014. (Niagra-on-the-Lake, ON)

“Less than careful speech: Exploring the roles of target duration and time varying intensity in spoken language processing.” Presented at the 166th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013. (San Francisco, CA)

  “Sorry, what was that?: The roles of pitch, duration, and amplitude in the perception of reduced speech.” Presented at the Nijmegen Spontaneous Speech Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 2011. (Nijmegen, NL)


Mean Pitch, Intensity, and Duration extractor

Two scripts to reverse-engineer information about the recording environment:

    1. Extract all silences, concatenate and save them as one long .WAV, and then extract acoustic measures (Intensity, COG, SD) before outputting values to .txt file

    2. Extract all silences, and then extract acoustic measures (Intensity, COG, SD, Duration) for each silent portion before outputting results to a .txt file